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Courses at GABS CLASSES : C , C++ , Data Structures , Java , Python , IP , CS ( Class 11 and Class 12 )
This is the second video based on Class 12 CS Functions topic.
One of the Best video on computer science class 12.
As per latest cs class 12 syllabus, this video is going to cover the topic of functions in python.
This video covers the topic of functions in python class 12 in detail.
As per latest CBSE Class 12 Syllabus function is the second topic to be covered.
First topic is Revision tour , video on Revision Tour is available separately.
So this video is going to cover class 12 cs functions.
GABS CLASSES is going to upload the entire course of cs class 12 freely but to get class 12 cs functions notes one has to pay.
This video covers class 12 cs functions questions only 2 questions just to give an idea what is function in python class 12.
We advise class 12 students to go through the function in python class 12 in details.
Because 12th computer science functions is being used in the later topics also.
Apart from Videos that will be covering CS Class 12 we provide cs class 12 notes.
Notes is cs class 12 notes python so first watch the video then ask for computer science class 12 notes.
We provide computer science class 12 notes pdf form but it is chargeable.
Watch the video of functions class 12 computer science if like the video then buy computer science class 12 notes pdf from GABS CLASSES.
This is the second video on the topic working with functions in python class 12.
working with functions class 12 is the first topic of Computer Science Class 12 Python course.
In the previous video we have learned the concept of functions in python class 12 or working with functions in python class 12.
It is very important to do working with functions in python because functions is the basis of computer science class 12 python.
In one video , we won’t be able to do complete working with functions class 12 cbse . So to do complete working with functions in python class 12 there are more videos to watch.
We will explain working with function with very simple and easy way.
After understanding the concept of working with functions we will do working with functions in python class 12 questions and answers in very simple and easy way.