The FASTEST Smash Bros. Revival Yet when they disguise Kazuya as Captain Falcon and give Sonic a boatload of speed boosting things to revive the real Captain Falcon.
► Thanks to Wooden Plank Studios for permitting GabaLeth with making videos out of their comics!
Original Comic
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► Cast
Mr. Zero - Guh-Huzzah
/ @vide0gurt
/ guhhuzzah
Kazuya - Unprosed
/ unprosed
Shulk - Braeden Gilliss
/ voxridian
Editor - Lethalityrush (Leth of GabaLeth)
/ lethality_rush
/ lethalityrush
► Intro & Outro Music
"Wonderful Life!" By HeatleyBros
Free Music For Your Youtube Video
/ heatleybros
► Music
F-Zero Results - Mario Kart 8 [OST]
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Mute City [Brawl] - Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
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