Welcome to our channel's 8000 subscribers X Christmas special event!!!
Merry Christmas everyone! Sonic is wearing his christmas suit and ready to run through the whole world to tell the message of Christmas! Let's follow him! :D
[Special Announcement]
1) If you haven't download our Sonic Generations mods, remember to download them! ;)
Future Sonic Mod (Include Super / Dark Version)
Super Sonic EXE / Super Sonic Rose EXE Mod
SSGSS Sonic / SSGSS Sonic with Kaioken X 100 Mod
Hyper & Ultra Sonic Mod (NEW!!!)
Reverse Sonic Mod (NEW!!!)
SSGSS Sonic with Kaioken X 20 + LIMIT BREAKER_ GOD SONIC (NEW!!!)
2) The Next Episode of the special event:
Sonic Mania Mod Part 10_ Snow Hill Zone (1080p60fps)
(Will be released on 26/12/2017)
3) You can add us to Steam and Sonic Amino now!
Steam: Sonicultimatefan123
Sonic Amino: Sonic Ultimate Fan
E-mail: [email protected]
Skype: Sonic Ultimate Fan
(If you have something want to tell us, please do! :D )
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4599926
(Donate :D)
1) The coming episodes of Sonic Generations Mod:
Sonic Generations Mod Part 185_ Hyper Seelkadoom Mod (RELEASE) (1080p60fps)
(SA2 Mod, Scourge Mod will be made later one by one. Please wait patiently :) )
2) Can we reach 55 likes in this video? Make sure you give us a like :D
3) Can we reach 9000 subscribers in January 2018? :)
4) About 'A minecraft story: Sonic and Shadow_ Danger of two Worlds', we are going to cancel the whole project. Sorry about that. :(
5) Please subscribe to these channels:D
Jahsierious Chandler
/ jahsier7
Modern Sonic Pro
The Tunisian Sonic Fan
Modern Knuckles Pro
iz_drawing 98
Silver Team
Sonic The Smart Hedgehog
6) We bought a Sonic Mania Collector Edition! If you want us to do a video of unboxing it, tell us in the comments! If we get 20 or more comments 'Unbox it!!!' , then we will do it :)
(P.S. You can also see our other Sonic The Hedgehog collection!!!)
(15 requests left!)
7) Support us in Patreon so we can make more and better videos :D
If you like this video, remember to share it to others, give us a like and subscribe us! :D