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Coronation Street - Daisy & Daniel Set Up Justin
Coronation Street - Craig Arrests Damon
Coronation Street - The Gunman Is Wrestled To The Ground
Emmerdale - Bernice & Nicola Fight With Food Waste
Coronation Street - Hope Tells Tyrone & Fiz That Beth Slapped Her
Coronation Street - Max And Blake Plead Guilty
Emmerdale - Next Time I See You I'll Kill You
Emmerdale - April Punches Marshall
Coronation Street - Peter Grabs Griff And Throws Him At The Wall
Coronation Street - Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not
Emmerdale - Kyle Goes To The Police With Evidence
Coronation Street - Teddy Is Ran Over
Coronation Street - David Upsets Max During Christmas Dinner
Emmerdale - I'm Caleb I'm Faith's Son
Coronation Street - Roy Makes a Fool Out of Griff
Coronation Street - Griff And His Mates Confront And Attack Daryan
Coronation Street - Griff Causes a Scene In The Rovers
Emmerdale (Flashback) - Kyle Shoots Al
Emmerdale - Kyle Smashes Up Moira's Room
Emmerdale - Cain Pleads Guilty To Murdering Al
Emmerdale - Alex Cries For Help
Coronation Street - Tyrone Punches Nick
Emmerdale - Armed Police Come For Cain
Coronation Street - Griff Attacks Blake & Chris