Justin Bieber Friends Parody Pre-Teen Crush! Do you have a Pre-Teen Crush?! Turn on Notifications so you don't miss the next Music video! Subscribe: https://goo.gl/dRpa1N
Thanks to our Friends that were in the video -
Gage from Gage1up: https://goo.gl/5P2siq
Tayden from Dyches Fam: https://goo.gl/yYi9Vz
Rhette from The Leroys: https://goo.gl/LRUs84
Also other friends: Cohen, Blake, Tagg, Tyne, Tru, Neala, Anna, and Canyon.
Welcome to The Ohana Adventure, we post EVERYDAY!
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WEBSITE: www.theohanaadventure.com
FACEBOOK: / theohanaadventure
PINTEREST: / ohanaadventure
BUSINESS EMAIL: [email protected]
GIVEAWAY EMAIL: [email protected]
Watch these fun things we do:
2017 FAM ADV: https://goo.gl/JNnwAl
COOL CHALLENGES: https://goo.gl/shsleN
PARENTING HACKS: https://goo.gl/T1wo0q
FUN HOW TO'S: https://goo.gl/rsbOiM
TRAVEL ADVENTURES: https://goo.gl/yszf5d
Want to send us something?! We love getting stuff in the mail & may feature it on one of our videos:
The Ohana Adventure
520 North Main St. STE #439
Heber City, UT 84032
We are a crazy family of 8 from Hawaii; we believe in doing hard things, spontaneous adventures, laughing together, & trying new things and adventures in new lands!
Mom - Rachel
Dad - Jase
Klai 14
Rykel 12
Shae 10
Wyatt 8
Evelin 7
Cora 5
Diezel - Doberman Pup
Music: imovie free music, youtube royalty free music from bensound.com or artlist.io or www.soundstorymusic.com
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Ohana Adventure
250 N Redcliffs Dr,
4B #366
St. George UT 84790