Python Numpy Tutorial - 10 ... Ones Like * Zeros Like * Full Like || Arrays

Опубликовано: 01 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Data Science Lovers

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!! Ones Like Array !!

It returns an array of Ones, with the same shape & type as of the given array.
Syntax : np.ones_like(array, dtype)

!! Zeros Like Array !!
It returns an array of Zeros, with the same shape & type as of the given array.
Syntax : np.zeros_like(array, dtype)

!! Full Like Array !!
It returns a full array of Constant element, with the same shape & type as of the given array.
Syntax : np.full_like(array, fill_value, dtype)


* ndim - to check the dimension of the array
* shape - to check the shape of the array
* size - to check the size of the array

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