No one lives under the lighthouse Full Playthrough True Ending / Longplay / Walkthrough (no comment)

Опубликовано: 18 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Ludophiles

Full playthrough to the true endung of the horror adventure "No one lives under the Lighthouse", recorded by Dahlia, published 22 April 2020. Please note that this is only ONE possible playthrough and only ONE possible ending!

Coin locations:
06:23 day 1 - first coin is in your briefcase
12:29 day 2 - 2nd coin is next to the boat at the beach near the pier
25:46 day 3 - 3rd coin is in the mound behind the lighthouse
41:11 day 4 - 4th and last coin is on the platform around the lighthouse

No one lives under the Lighthouse is longplay No. 557 of the Ludophiles longplays project:
   • Longplays - full playthroughs without...

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