is a great place to browse, upload, download, and endorse various mods. You can download mods for Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition from the link below:
The mod video I mentioned is below:
• Sheva In Zealot Hell (My First No Mer...
Installing mods in this game involves replacing .Arc files within your RE5 Steam installation. Download the mods you want, extract them into a folder, and then find your Steam installation directory.
With Steam opened, right-click on Resident Evil 5 then go to "Manage", then go to "browser local files". A folder will open.
From there search for the files that you downloaded in the mods and pay attention to the date modified. Once the search is complete, right click and then click on "Open file location". From there the file will be highlighted. Be sure to back up the files first by copying them into another folder and then either delete them or replace the files with the new files you downloaded.
Since the .Arc files in your installation will have the same date modified and it will be different than the mod files.
Once you have replaced the files, run the game and see if the mods worked.
Another way of installing mods for Resident Evil 5 is using the Fluffy Mod Manager 5000, which allows for easy download, installing, and uninstallation of mods. You can download this mod manager from the link below:
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