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Hello, friends, this is part 15 angular 7 tutorial and in this session, I explained about bellow points:
1. How to secure the angular application.
2. How to communicate with the server through the generated JWT token.
3. What happened if a user tries to modify the token.
4. Difference between browser storage.
5. What is local and session storage?
6. How to implement user logout functionality.
7. How to create angular reusable service.
8. How to create a flexible and maintainable angular app.
9. Angular authentication using JWT token
In the next video will show more about angular authentication, so stay tuned to get more information and please subscribe to the channel and press bell icon to get the latest notification.
And please share your concern about this session if any so that I can improve and better to serve you.
To know more about authentication scheme please follow the below link:
#AngularAuthentication #Angular7 #JWTToken #B2Expert