In this video we will go into a deep dive into Blender explain how to export clips to After Effects, how to animate, how to use background images, shadows, and so much more by creating a World War Two type scene with a plane!
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0:00-0:34 Intro
0:34-3:11 Importing Plane & Coloring
3:11–4:15 Setting up the Camera
4:15-5:25 Shadow Catcher Set up
5:25-7:22 Plane Set up & Lighting
7:22-9:01 Rigging
9:01-9:57 Making a Shadow Catcher
9:57-10:37 Output Settings & Rendering
10:37-11:24 After Effects Set up
11:24-12:34 Keying the Sky
12:34-13:38 Adding Virtual Clouds
13:38-14:34 Color Grading
14:34-15:09 Adding Camera Shake
15:09-15:44 Outro