When it comes to having a good credit score, is there such a thing as having too many credit cards? It I want a better credit score, is it better for me to have more credit cards? Is five credit cards too many? Is three credit cards too many?
What is the best way to use credit cards to build a good credit score? Is it bad to have a lot of credit cards with zero balances? Why do you need to use the credit card for it to help you improve your credit score? How many credit cards should you have? Is there a right answer? The data shows that if you are trying to build, maintain, or repair your credit score, the ideal number of credit cards you should have on your credit report is three.
If you want more detail about this topic, you can visit The Yukon Project: https://theyukonproject.com/how-many-...
Or you can check out the complete video: • How many CREDIT CARDS should I have f...
There you can learn why you want three credit cards, which type of credit cards you should have, and what the best way to use those credit cards is if you are trying to improve your credit score.