Welcome to the third video in the series of "Jenkins Tutorial for Beginners".
In this video, I will be doing a complete hands-on demo of an end-to-end CICD Jenkins freestyle job using Maven and GitHub. This video was created keeping in mind the beginners in Jenkins and DevOps. If you haven't checked out my previous video yet, feel free to have a look at the below playlist.🔥🔥🔥
• Jenkins Tutorial For Beginners
I will be publishing many more Jenkins videos for intermediate to advance levels, stay tuned!
Below were the tasks executed in the video:
0:00 ⏩ Introduction
0:45 ⏩ Jenkins login page
1:30 ⏩ First Jenkins freestyle job
06:29 ⏩ How to install Jenkins Plugins
10:30 ⏩ Clone your first Maven project from Github
12:33 ⏩ Jenkins Workspace
14:00 ⏩ Configure Maven
14:54 ⏩ Create build using Maven
17:26 ⏩ Run automated test cases with Jenkins
19:43 ⏩ Deploy the Maven build using Jenkins
24:12 ⏩ Publish Junit test result report
26:48 ⏩ Archive the Maven Build Artifacts
28:10 ⏩ Configure Email Notification
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