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In Python, variables are dynamically typed, meaning you don't explicitly specify the type of a variable when you declare it. However, starting from Python 3.5, you can use type hints to indicate the expected type of a variable. This is not enforced by the interpreter, but it can be helpful for code readability and can be used by tools like linters or IDEs to provide better code analysis.
Let's explore how to define variables with types in Python with examples.
In this example, we declare variables name, age, height, and is_student without explicitly mentioning their types. Python infers the types based on the assigned values.
Here, we use type hints to specify the expected types for each variable. This doesn't change the dynamic nature of Python but provides additional information to developers and tools about the intended types.
In this example, we use type hints with lists. The List[int] indicates that the numbers list should contain integers, and List[str] specifies that the fruits list should contain strings.
Here, we use a tuple with type hints to specify that the person tuple should contain a string, an integer, and a float in that order.
In this example, the add_numbers function takes two parameters (a and b) with type hints specifying that they should be integers. The - int indicates that the function returns an integer.
By incorporating type hints in your code, you enhance its clarity and make it more maintainable, especially in larger projects. Additionally, these hints can be utilized by tools like MyPy for static type checking.
Remember that Python remains a dynamically typed language, and type hints are optional. They are meant for documentation and assistance rather than strict type enforcement.