Kode Kerusakan di Speedometer Yamaha Nmax | Error Code on Speedometer

Опубликовано: 28 Декабрь 2024
на канале: Kang Thakur

#nmax #error #yamaha
Kode Kerusakan di Speedometer Yamaha Nmax 155
12 : Sinyal tidak normal diterima Crankshaft Position Sensor (CPS) atau Pulser
13 : Terdeteksi terlepasnya atau terjadi konslet di Intake Air Pressure
14 : Kerusakan sistem udara, tekanan tidak normal diterima Intake Air Pressure
15 : Terdeteksi terlepasnya atau terjadi konslet di Throtle Position Sensor (TPS)
16 : Throtle Position Sensor (TPS) tersangkut atau macet
19 : Terdeteksi kabel putus atau lepas di Saklar standar samping
21 : Terdeteksi terlepasnya socket atau terjadinya konslet di Coolant Temperatur Sensor
22 : Terdeteksi terlepasnya socket atau terjadinya konslet pada Intake Air Temperatur Sensor
24 : Sinyal yang diterima O2 Sensor tidak normal
37 : Idle Speed Control (ISC) rusak
39 : Terdeteksi rusak atau terjadi konslet di Fuel Injector
42 : Sinyal Speed Sensor tidak normal
44 : Kerusakan pada EEPROM
46 : Pengisian setrum Aki tidak normal, kiprok bermasalah
50 : Memori ECU rusak
61 : Terdeteksi lepas atau konslet pada Idle Speed Control (ISC)
84 : Terdeteksi lepas atau konslet pada Selenoid Variable Valve Actuation (VVA)
Faulty Code on Speedometer Yamaha Nmax 155
12: An abnormal signal is received by the Crankshaft Position Sensor (CPS) or Pulser
13: Disconnection or short circuit was detected at the Intake Air Pressure
14: Air system malfunction, abnormal pressure received Intake Air Pressure
15: Disconnected or short circuit detected in the Throtle Position Sensor (TPS)
16: The Throtle Position Sensor (TPS) is jammed or jammed
19: Cable break or loose detected in Side standard switch
21: Loose socket or short circuit detected in Coolant Temperature Sensor
22: Detached socket release or short circuit in the Intake Air Temperature Sensor
24: The signal received by O2 Sensor is abnormal
37: Idle Speed ​​Control (ISC) is damaged
39: Damaged or short circuit detected in the Fuel Injector
42: Speed ​​Sensor signal is abnormal
44: Faulty EEPROM
46: Battery stun charging is not normal, kiprok has problems
50: The ECU memory is damaged
61: Loose or short detected on Idle Speed ​​Control (ISC)
84: Detected loose or short on Selenoid Variable Valve Actuation (VVA)
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