appium framework for android | appium latest tutorial | android app automation testing foldersPart-4

Опубликовано: 21 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Bhau-Automation Lab

In this video, we explore the project root folder structure commonly used in Appium test automation projects for Android.
We discuss the importance of a well-defined folder structure for maintaining the project and explain the purpose of each folder.

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Part 1: Appium TDD framework Design plan & benefits and uses of (TDD) framework
   • Mobile Automation Testing with Appium...  

Part 2: Appium TDD Framework required tools and Technologies
   • appium testing framework tutorial mob...  

Part -3 Appium automation framework scratch to advance level | required tools & technologies
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📹 Full Video URL: Watch Now    • Part-5 | Implicit wait | Explicit Wai...  

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