25 questions that asked from SCP 166 - Teenage succubus [Cassette 1]

Опубликовано: 09 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Зефир - Invader Zimfy

25 questions asked from SCP 166 - Succubus Teen

Contact me: [email protected]
Instagram:   / doriangreyso  


SCP-166 looks like a woman about 16-19 years old, of medium height and thin build. According to medical and physiological examinations, there are various deviations from the anatomical norm, including accelerated hair growth (about 20 centimeters per month), sensitivity to various suspensions in the air, including aerosols and cigarette smoke (the symptoms resemble an acute attack of asthma), hypersensitivity to pressure ulcers and abnormalities in food needs.

Of particular interest is the effect of SCP-166 on males. 100% of the experimental males that SCP-166 was in sight, attempted to have sexual intercourse with her, regardless of sexual orientation. In about 70% of experimental subjects, this desire disappeared after a break in visual contact. In the remaining 30% of cases, desire developed into an obsession, leading to attempts to reach SCP-166 by force. In 43% of these cases, class A amnestics suppressed obsession, in other cases it was necessary to eliminate the test subject.

The impact of SCP-166 on men causes her severe stress, which is exacerbated by her desire to lead a distant life, observing the vows of chastity, non-attachment and obedience. For this and other reasons, contact of SCP-166 with men is strictly prohibited.


SCP Foundation (The SCP Foundation) is a secret organization dedicated to the maintenance and study of anomalous objects and creatures.

The acronym “SCP” stands for “Special Containment Procedures” (rus. Special Content Conditions) or as the unofficial motto “Secure, Contain, Protect” (rus. Secure, Hold, Save). Together, these abbreviations summarize the goals and methods of the Foundation’s actions.

For each object, the Foundation assigns a special class (from “Safe” to “Keter” or “Thaumiel”) and an identification number of the type SCP-XXX (starting from the 1000s - SCP-XXXX). SCP objects (in some contexts simply referred to as “SCP” or “object”) can become as different paranormal phenomena, from individual creatures (for example, SCP-058) to entire locations (SCP-354), or ordinary people. , objects and animals that, nevertheless, have abnormal properties.

Each document describing an SCP object, after specifying the object's safety class, describes the containment procedures necessary for that particular object. This part of the document is obligatory and is entitled as “Special conditions of detention”. In addition to the content and study, the Organization aims to protect humanity from these objects. The tasks set by the Foundation are reflected in its motto - “Secure. Hold down. Save.

Despite the fact that its goal is to protect humanity, the policy of the Foundation provides for cruel and inhuman treatment of individuals in cases in which it is for the benefit of humanity. In this regard, the testing procedures for SCP objects allow the use of people in dangerous, or even knowingly fatal, testing of objects. Procedures for the restoration of the conditions of maintenance of certain objects involve the sacrifice of human victims (for example, the RP-106-N return protocol). In cases of serious violations of the conditions of detention, the use of nuclear weapons against objects is allowed, which also provides for human losses.
