Code like you're in the future. This is the best way to progress your engineering abilities at a rapid pace. In groundbreaking video, we delve into pair programming assistant AIDER, an AI-driven coding assistant that, with a new technique, can transform the way we approach software development. I've been using this technique and AIDER to write code and ship features faster than ever before. Thanks to the latest GPT-4 Turbo model, AIDER is reshaping our programming capabilities. Our focus? Building vital front-end components for a Postgres data analytics tool. But here's the catch – we're not just coding; we're prompting code into existence using a technique I've honed called TRIPLE C (CCC). This intuitive, in editor, in terminal approach leverages the power of LLMs and prompt engineering, allowing us to generate complex code through natural language.
We'll see firsthand how AI co-pilots, powered by the latest GPT-4 model, have become incredibly efficient and accurate. To showcase this, we're building the UI in three different frameworks – one of which I've never used before. This isn't just about coding; it's about AI Engineering our way to a minimal viable product for a data analytics frontend. Through 'Comment Copilot Coding', you write the comments, and AIDER fills in the code. It's a perfect blend of simple in editor, in context natual language prompting and AI efficiency. This video isn't just a tutorial; it's a glimpse into the future of software development, where natural language becomes the ultimate programming language. We'll open multiple terminals, run AIDER simultaneously, and utilize our multi-agent Postgres data analytics tool behind a simple python flask API to generate SQL and SQL results directly from our new UIs. Dive into the realm of multi-agent coding, demonstrating that with tools like AIDER and the expansive capabilities of GPT-4 Turbo, the real question shifts from: "what can I build?" to "How quickly can I build". Let's push the boundaries of AI in software engineering as we take one more step toward agentic engineering.
Aider Prompt: "Read the comments and wherever you see 'code:' generate the request. Keep all code generation in the component."
🤖💻 AI Engineering Resources
Vercel Flask:
(1) Watch Part One
• Prompt Engineering an ENTIRE codebase...
(2) Watch Part Two
• One Prompt is NOT enough: Using AutoG...
(3) Watch Part Three
• Make AutoGen Consistent: CONTROL your...
(4) Watch Part Four
• AutoGen Token Tactics: FIRING AI Agen...
(5) Watch Part Five
• AutoGen SPYWARE: Coding Systems for S...
(6) Watch Part Six
• Using AUTOGEN & GUIDANCE to code LLM ...
(7) Watch Part Seven
• OpenAI Macro & Micro Strategy: Master...
📘 Chapters
00:00 We're not typing this code
00:57 Vite, Bun, Aider
01:27 CCC
03:02 All Roads Lead To AIDER
04:27 Vue, Svelte, React
05:15 I've never used Svelte
06:07 It's not perfect but it's fast and close
06:31 Integrate our Postgres Data Analytics Tool
07:57 Hit the API without coding
10:20 GPT-4 Turbo, AIDER, Multi-Agent Results (LETS GO)
12:42 Kind of annoying but easily fixable
13:23 Svelte Reactivity Issue - One Prompt Fix
14:33 React Issue - Quick Fix - Sweet Results
16:17 Let's push this further - Local Storage Prompt
17:37 Vue, Svete, React - Local Storage Prompt
19:28 Use CCC to build applications faster
19:57 Add this to your toolbox
20:30 What's next?
21:01 Bro what about low code and no code?
21:56 TTYDB - Talk To Your Database - From Scratch
22:27 LLMs are changing the way we code
22:41 Stay on the edge of AI Engineering
🐛 tags
#promptengineering #aider #copilot