Elite Proto Shield and ATtiny Programmer - Arduino compatible

Опубликовано: 20 Февраль 2025
на канале: David Watts

This board was sent to me by an indie maker company called Elite Hardware http://www.eliteoshw.com/

You can pick on up on Tindie which is a cool 'makers' space that lets small scale indie makers sell their products - https://www.tindie.com/stores/zhipps/ - They are £3-£8 depending on the extras you choose to come with it.

They are just starting out and sent me this board to play with after seeing my video about the ATtiny85 intervalometer. It just so happen to coincide with my actual birthday (I don't have another birthday like the Queen though).

I really liked the board, it was simple to use, it looked good and well it worked. And for £6 (the options I got) it is priced for the beginner or frugal user(I will include myself in both camps).

It isn't for everyone, some of you may be well versed in ISPs, have a dedicated selection you use or are happy to program straight to your breadboard. I totally respect that and I may get to that point soon but for now I like the relative safety of this well put together proto shield/programmer that can program my tiny ATtinys.

I am sure that Elite Hardware would appreciate feedback on their stuff so feel free to give it.
