Bike rental regression model in python machine learning projects || Fyp projects

Опубликовано: 20 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: FYP Project

hi everyone in this video you will see the overview of Bike rental regression using Ml model in python machine learning projects..

Design and develop the ML prediction model for a given scenario and produce the report
A company that rents bicycles wants to predict the expected number of rentals in a given day, based
on the season, day of the week, weather conditions, and so on. The first step in this project is to explore
the data that you will use to train a model. The goal of this exploration is to try to understand the
relationships between its attributes; in particular, any apparent correlation between the features and
the label your model will try to predict. Your task is to build a predictive model using machine learning
to predict the expected number of rentals in a given day

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