c program for swapping two numbers|c program to swap two numbers using third variable|operators in c

Опубликовано: 06 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Mithlesh Kapar

This video tutorials is about swapping two variable in C programming
upcoming class
Managing input and output
1. Reading a character
2. Writing a character
3. Formatted input
i. scanf function
4. Formatted output
i. printf function
Decision making and branching
1. if statement
i. Simple if statement
ii. if…..else statement
iii. Nested if…..else statement
iv. else if ladder
2. The switch statement
3. The goto statement
Decision making and looping
1. The while statement
2. The do statement
3. The for statement
4. Nesting of for loop
5. Uses of break and continue statement
1. One dimensional arrays
2. Two dimensional arrays
3. Passing arrays to function
Character arrays and string
1. Difference between character arrays and string arrays
2. String basic input and output
i. input
a) gets
b) scanf
ii. Output
a) printf
b) puts
3. Calculate the length of a string
4. Copping a string into another string
5. Add a string after a string
6. Compare two strings are same or not
7. String handling function
i. strlen()
ii. strcpy()
iii. strcat
iv. strcmp
v. strncat
vi. strncpy
vii. strncmp
viii. strstr
1. Elements of user-defined function
i. Function definition
ii. Function call
iii. Function declaration
2. Definition of function
i. Function name
ii. Function type
iii. List of parameters
iv. Local variable declaration
v. Function statement
vi. Return statement
3. Function Declaration
i. Function type (return type)
ii. Function name
iii. Parameter list
iv. Terminating semicolon
4. Extern and static variable
5. Category of function
i. Functions with no arguments and no return values
ii. Functions with arguments and no return values
iii. Functions with no arguments but return values
iv. Functions with arguments and return values
6. Use of pointer in function
7. Arrays as parameters (Function)
8. Recursion
1. What is a structure?
2. Defining a structure
3. Declaring structure variable
4. Structures initialization
5. Accessing structure members
6. Arrays of structures
7. Arrays within structures
8. Structure within structure
9. Structures and function
10. Pointer to structures
11. Union

1. Understanding pointers
2. Accessing the address of a variables
3. Declaring pointer variables
4. Initialization of pointer variables
5. Accessing a variables through its pointer
6. Bad pointer ,void pointer, null pointer
7. Chain of pointer
8. Array of pointers
9. Passing pointer to function
10. Pointer and Character String
1. Defining, opening and closing a file
2. File modes
i. read
ii. write
iii. append
iv. “r+”( i.e read+write)
v. “w+”( i.e write+read)
vi. “a+”( i.e append+read)
3. File input output function
i. fprintf
ii. fscanf
iii. fwrite
iv. fread
v. putc
vi. getc
vii. fputs
viii. fgets
4. Random Access function
i. fseek
5. File (EOF)
6. File with function
7. Error Check
Dynamic memory allocation
1. Memory allocation function
i. malloc
ii. calloc
iii. free
iv. realloc
1. #define
2. #include
3. #if
4. #else
5. #elif
6. #endif
7. #ifdef
8. #ifndef
9. #undef