An Astronomer Hikes Jones Mountain

Опубликовано: 10 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: Garrison Turner

This details my two attempts on Jones Mountain, Aug. 26th and 27th of 2023. Aug. 26th got weathered out just a few hundred feet below the summit, but the 27th the weather was beautiful all day. On the 26th, I started going right up the slope parallel to Ptarmigan lake, but on the 27th I skirted across the saddle between Jones and Gladstone ridge to a jeep road that goes up the south ridge of Jones for an easier approach. Next summer Gladstone Ridge is on my list.

Notable peaks from Jones are Yale (which is stunning!), the backside of Princeton and Antero, Harvard, Columbia, Huron, Belford, Oxford, Missouri, Emma Burr, Turner Peak, Ice Mountain, and the Apostles. When not cloudy, Taylor Reservoir is also quite scenic.