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DAY 1 : • Day 1: Purview of Cyber Security | Wh...
DAY 2 : • Day 2: Purview of Cyber Security | Ev...
#infosectrain #redteam #siem
0:00 Pentesting and Red team
15:18 Threat Actors
24:14 Evolution of attacks
33:46 Denial of service attacks
38:38 Progress of attacks
43:15 Network based attack
46:46 Ransomware attack
54:56 SIEM
1:00:00 Threat intelligence
1:08:42 Incidence response
✅Agenda of the Session
✔️Red Team & Pen Testing
✔️Evolution Of Attacks
✔️Types of Threat Actors
✔️Denial of Service Attacks
✔️Progress of Attacks
✔️Network Based Attacks
✔️What is SIEM?
✔️Threat Intelligence
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