[GENSHIN LYRE DUET] Fontaine Main Theme OST: Fontaine 「フォンテーヌ」

Опубликовано: 21 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: dumpling dumdum

this is one of the akldjflkdshjgkjldshbkjdhjjk lyre dum write. so many major and minor dum flip table for a month finally is done uwu
to think fontaine main theme can fit in the smol lyre is owo

BambooSteamerProductionTeam(* ' w' )/\( ^w ^ * )
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dumdum in TikTok 》   / dumplingdumdum0w0  

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Midi + Music Sheet + Notes:


Genshin Impact 原神

Original Soundtrack
Fontaine 「フォンテーヌ」

Fountain of Belleau「白露澄明の泉」:
Chanson of Justice and Impartiality「律令の頌歌」

Produced by HOYO-MiX

Furina: dumpling's left hand and right hand

Lyre Music Sheet
Midi Creator
Video Editor
Sound Editor
呆呆饺子 (YT:dumpling dumdum)

MuseScore Editor

Midi Player created by
sabihoshi (YT: 忘れないで)