Your environment is stronger than your willpower. If you're just starting out, you don't have a lot of people around you that understand you, understand what you're doing. It's really hard to get feedback if you're just around some friends and family. And so it can be hard as well to create this amazing thing from within yourself. Creating the routine, creating the discipline, understanding the priorities, what should you be working on.
When you put yourself in a different environment, you get out of your bedroom at your parent's house, and you go to a mastermind, to a co-working space where you're surrounded by people that are doing the same thing that you're doing at an even much higher level, you start to understand how the game is really played and how it can work for you, and it really starts to change your frame of reference.
Are you putting yourself in an environment of people who are unhealthy or depressed? Or maybe they're just kind of pessimists? It's about what type of environment do you seek out to put yourself in to enable your success?