Setup your Windows 10 machine for Python development using Python3, Eclipse Neon and the PyDev Plugin.
In this video I am going to talk you through how to set up your Windows 10 system for Python development with Eclipse, PyDev and Python. Before we get started you're going to want to have both Java installed (latest version of the JDK). You can download that from the Oracle webpage or Google “jdk download” and it will be the first result.
Secondly you want to install Eclipse. I'm using Eclipse Neon in this video. The steps are pretty much the same for most versions of Eclipse. I recommend that you get the latest version of Eclipse as it will have the latest features and be the most up-to-date. Once you've downloaded Java, the jdk and Eclipse you can then go and download Python.
00:00 Introduction
01:25 Go to and download Python 3.5.2.
02:36 Double click on the Python 3.5.2 installer
04:08 Type CMD in the search and load up command prompt and type Python
04:28 Install pydev into Eclipse and load it up
06:10 Search for and install pydev install and
07:00 The first thing to do is we need to add the software site to Eclipse
09:52 Eclipse plug-in is installed, but where is it? What to do next.
10:56 Choose quick auto config
And that’s it! Let me know how you get on. If you have any questions or anything please feel free to leave them in the comments of this video and thank you for watching.
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