Let's talk about if statements which allow you to run code based off of certain boolean conditions. | Language Python (.py) | Code Example https://github.com/simply-coded/pytho...
The Five Spacecraft Leaving the Solar System
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Así se siente prestarle el carro a los hijos
5 лет школе «Дизайнер натурального мыла и косметики» Ольги Джима
[🔴 LIVE ] udh keluar kastil,terus kemana ? - Resident Evil 8 Village INDONESIA (3)
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08 - Classes / Objects | VBScript Tutorials
FormatString Class | VBScript Tutorials
Run as Admin ( without constant UAC prompt ) | VBScript Tutorials
39 - Classes ( intro; self; __init__ ) | Python Tutorials
38 - @Decorators ( name binding ) | Python Tutorials
37 - Inner / Nested Functions ( challenge answer ) | Python Tutorials
36 - Scope ( access; nonlocal; global ) | Python Tutorials
35 - Random Module & Challenge ( randint; randrange; choice; sample ) | Python Tutorials
33 - Generator Functions ( yield; next ) | Python Tutorials
34 - Lambda ( pass to func; no params; calling ) | Python Tutorials
32 - Functions ( arg types; positional; keyword; optional; arbitrary ) | Python Tutorials
31 - Functions ( return; exit a function; return multiple values ) | Python Tutorials
30 - Functions ( why avoid globals ) | Python Tutorials
29 - Functions ( pass; global ) | Python Tutorials
28 - Command Line Arguments ( sys.argv ) | Python Tutorials
53 - Lambdas ( arrow operator ) | Java Tutorials
27 - Generator Expressions ( iterable vs iterator ) | Python Tutorials
52 - Anonymous Classes ( effectively final ) | Java Tutorials
26 - Comprehension & Nested Loops ( list; set; dict ) | Python Tutorials
25 - Iterative Loops ( for; else; break; continue; zip ) | Python Tutorials
24 - Conditional Loops ( loop; do while; break; continue ) | Python Tutorials
ArrayList ( methods & properties ) | VBScript Examples
23 - User Input ( input; getpass; isdigit ) | Python Tutorials
22 - Ternary Operator ( A if CONDITION else B ) | Python Tutorials