How to install & run Linux os with Lxde environment in Android using UserLand app. This is the most demanded video from my Subscriber. You can get the full experience of Linux desktop in your Android and it's perfectly working with everything single Software and internet is also working I have shown in the video. I tested Firefox browser and perfectly working in Android. If you want to install any other Software's in this OS you search it on online for eg: how to Install libre office in Lxde environment. You can install lot of Software's in this OS. UserLand and VNC viewer is most important app in this Procedure
VNC Viewer - Remote Desktop
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#linuxinandroid #userland #Shadowofwars
Run the kali Linux Hacking OS on unrooted Android Device
1- download app from play Store (ConnectionBot)Or(JuiceSSH)& Userland
2- open the application & choose distribution
3- Enter user name & password you want
4- SSH connection
5- Enter password in your application you choose
6- let's tested incontinence
7- apt install net-tools
9-sudo apt install update
🔟 Sudo apt update
11- Sudo apt install routersploit -y
12-sudo apt install screen
13-screen -h
apt update && apt upgrade -y
apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrad
sudo apt-get install metasploit-framework
15-su msfconsole