I'm 54 here's a Shiatsu Facial Massage. Masako Mizutani

Опубликовано: 03 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Health Academy

Ageless Japanese Masako Mizutani is 54 years old. At the same time, the woman looks very young, she has thick hair. Here is her Shiatsu facial massage.

These real-life stories are a good motivation for how to look younger than your years and maintain good health. At the heart of all these stories is a healthy lifestyle, which includes: proper nutrition, facial skin care, as well as good physical activity.

If you are interested in health and longevity, we recommend watching other videos from the series on how to maintain youth. The knowledge gained will help you change your life and look at least 10 years younger. Find more videos on the topic in playlists.

LINK to this video:    • Мне 54 вот Шиацу Массаж Для Лица. Мас...  
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