In this Brief Tutorial I will revise you all about What is HTML, How HTML works, some basic tags used in HTML5, Images in HTML5, Links in HTML5 I will teach you all the techniques to use these tags in better way, I highly recommend to watch complete Videos series of this Web Development course.
Who am I, who don’t know me!
I am Absar Ahmad and motivated Programmer working in different programming fields for more than 4 years, for Web Development and App Development. I also provided professional trainings to a lot of national and internal students, colleagues online and directly. So, I started “The Quick Code” channel to teach other Creative people like YOU who want to earn money or want to start a great journey in the field of Web Development, App Development, Game Development as well as Software Development. In this channel YOU will learn all the techniques, short keys, tips and hacks of Programming and Coding and we’ll work on different platforms like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, PHP, PYTHON and Much more
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