In this Selenium WebDriver session, you will learn how to take Screenshots in Selenium WebDriver for specific elements.
Taking Web Element Screenshot in Selenium
How to Capture WebElement Screenshot in Selenium
How can you take a screenshot of a particular element in Selenium?
Selenium webdriver provides TakesScreenshot interface to capture the screenshots during script execution.
Using TakesScreenshot interface getScreenshotAs( ) method we can take screenshots.
We required to take screenshots when test case fails in a real-time automation project/ framework.
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Taking Web Element Screenshot in Selenium,
How to take screenshots in Selenium 4?
How to Take Screenshot in Selenium WebDriver,How to get a screenshot of a full webpage using Selenium, Take entire page screenshot
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Screenshot of WebElement,
Take Screenshot of WebElement in Selenium,
Selenium 4,
new features in selenium 4,
screenshot in selenium,
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