Hypixel Network Level System plugin that's free to download on spigot. This allows you to level up for prizes on your server and even works for bungeecord connection levels.
📙 Spigot: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/83...
✔️Support Discord: / discord
💎 SoulNode Hosting: 💎
➜ Promocode: "STRIKER" for 10% off!
➜ Website: https://soulnode.net/
➜ Discord: https://soulnode.net/discord
⛏️ Odyssey Builds: ⛏️
➜ Promocode: "STRIKER10" for 10% off!
➜ Website: https://www.odysseybuilds.com/
➜ Discord: / discord
✅ MC-LISTS - List Your Server ✅
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➜ Website: https://mc-lists.org/
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✨ Songoda Marketplace: ✨
➜ Website: https://www.songoda.com/
➜ Discord: / discord
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➜ NCS: [ / nocopyrightsounds ]
Intro - 0:00
Sponsor - 0:42
Installing - 0:57
Using commands - 2:24
Outro - 6:00