The small town of Kir, named after the founder of Lumon Industries, Kir Egan, is inhabited by people who are unaware of the secrets and deception hidden by the owners of Lumon in the central center. Mark voluntarily agrees to the procedure of splitting consciousness in order to forget about his grief for a while. But it does not occur to him what shocks his own working consciousness, cleared of memories, experiences when his ordinary consciousness is in oblivion. And if you think logically, then he only loses time in his life, running away from reality. This is a big blunder in the logic of the concept of dystopia. Let me explain, their consciousness does not switch to oblivion. The hero Mark comes to work at 9 am and leaves at 5. There is no interval between these hours. For Mark's ordinary consciousness, this is a split second. He enters the elevator and the next moment, for him, evening has already come. He gets out of the elevator. The void in between doesn't make Mark feel any better, and being out of consciousness for half a day isn't a panacea for his grief, it's just a waste of his precious time, spent as a drudge for the company that keeps the truth about their malicious goal. At the same time, Mark's Working Consciousness lives a slave life without memories, doing mechanical, incomprehensible work as a part of the company's system. But that's not the point now. This video is about the significance of color; how the goat relates to the narrative, and what the main goal of the Lumon company is.