Python Pandas Tutorial | Drop Rows and Columns of a Pandas Dataset - P2

Опубликовано: 28 Сентябрь 2024
на канале: technologyCult

Python Pandas Tutorial | Drop Rows and Columns of a Pandas Dataset - P2
Topics to be covered:
1. Deleting rows of a dataset and copying the resultant dataset to a new dataframe - Completed
2. Drop the Duplicate Values

Code Starts Here
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

dataset = pd.read_csv('train.csv')

1 Dropping a Single Column of a dataset based on the column name
df1 = dataset.drop('Name',axis=1)

2.Dropping multiple Column of a dataset based on the column name

df1 = df1.drop(['Pclass','Cabin'],axis=1)

3. Dropping the Column of a dataset based on the Column Index
df1 = df1.drop(df1.columns[1],axis=1)

4. Dropping the Multiple Column of a dataset based on the Column Index
df2 = df1.drop(df1.columns[[1,3]],axis=1)

5. Deleting rows of a dataset and copying the resultant dataset to a new dataframe
df3 = df2.drop(df2.index[[1,3]])

6. Drop the Duplicate Values based on some conditions
df3 = df3[df3['Embarked'] != 'S'].head()

Dup = df3.drop_duplicates().head()

Dup = Dup.drop_duplicates(subset=['Embarked'])


Dup1 = df3.drop_duplicates(subset=['Embarked'], keep='last')


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