Malaysia Airlines MH17 Plane Crashes On Ukraine-Russia Border
Flight MH17 believed to be carrying 295 people on board goes down near town of Snizhne, says Russian news agency.
A passenger jet has reportedly crashed in eastern Ukraine in an area where separatist rebels have been engaging Ukrainian military
forces in recent weeks.
The Ukrainian official Anton Gerashchenko said 280 passengers and 15 crew were on board.
The Malaysia Airlines plane, travelling from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, apparently crashed near the town of Snizhe, according to a
report from Interfax news agency which could not immediately be confirmed. Other reports suggested it had crashed close to the nearby
town of Torez.
Malaysia Airlines said via its Twitter feed: "Malaysia Airlines has lost contact of MH17 from Amsterdam. The last known position was
over Ukrainian airspace. More details to follow."
Malaysia Airlines MH17 Plane Crashes On Ukraine-Russia Border
• Malaysia Airlines MH17 Plane Crashes ...