How to Delete Custom Colors in Keynote and Pages

Опубликовано: 21 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Aki Stepinska

In this video, I will show you how to add, delete, and manage your custom colors in Keynote or Pages. Have you ever wanted to delete the custom swatches and could not figure out how? I had the same issue. Where is the delete button? Well, I will show you how to do that as well as how to add new custom swatches as well as how to set up default colors in Keynote/Pages.

Finally, how about saving default gradient and image options in your default swatches? Maybe you have brand colors or images that you want available for all your presentation and want an easy way to add them to your slides. There is a way for you to save them as default colors, gradients, and images.

00:00 - Add Custom Colors
03:18 - Delete Custom Swatches
05:52 - Change Default Colors

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