10 Upcoming Action RPG Games like Diablo | 2024 | Upcoming isometric ARPG games | New Isometric Hack and Slash Games 2024 | Top 10 upcoming games like Diablo 4 | Check out GOG Weekly Gaming sale! https://af.gog.com/?as=1694194425 - full refunds are supported for up to 30 days!
0:00 Ravenswatch
0:58 Battle of Darkness
1:29 Brinefall
2:15 Endless Dungeon
2:57 Crawlyard
3:53 Coridden
4:38 Dreadhunter
5:13 Hunt The Night
6:14 Arran: The Book of Heroes
6:51 Selenwald
7:27 Yet Another Fantasy Title
8:23 Great GOG Sale!
Great ARPG Games for you!:
Original DIABLO + Hellfire expansion
Book of Demons (fun Diablo parody)
Torchlight II (If Diablo was made in WOW style)
Grim Dawn (probably the best game if you like Diablo)
Victor Vran (such a dynamic combat!)
Van Helsing (a must play for every Diablo fan)
Vikings - Wolves of Midgard (Viking-themed Diablo!)
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SUPPORTERS 5$ OR MORE HALL OF FAME - The best of the best!
Timothy Mungin
Alexander R.
Fresh Air Coffee walks
Hooded Horse
Jon Levin
Dan Riley
Some of these links posted in the description are my affiliate links, meaning that if you buy something using them I will get a microscopic fracture of income as well (usually a few cents). That will not change the price for you in any way.
Music: Role Player, Youtube's Free Library
#diablo #diablo4 #arpg