How to create a table in Google Sheets: Tutorial for beginners

Опубликовано: 21 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Kent Lofgren

Step 1. Put the marker somewhere inside the table. Just click once on any cell.
Step 2. Click the tab Data and select Pivot Table. A new sheet is created.
We're going to work over on the right side. We need to tell Google Sheets which data to work with. There are many ways to do that. Let me show you my tactics.

I start by deciding what variable should be in focus. This is usually a so-called dependent variable. As you know, that's something that depends on another variable.

In this example, let's start by focusing on the question: "Have you had any problems with your English language teaching this year?"
In my datasheet, that variable is "having_problems." It has four categories.

Step 3. On the right side, I click on Values. I select the variable "having_problems". I make sure that it says "Summarise by" COUNT. That way, I will get the number of participants who answered this question.

Whenever I create these types of tables, I like to have the dependent variable in the columns. And the independent variable on the rows.

Step 4. On the right side, I click on Columns. I once again select "having_problems".

Next, I want to split this data by another independent variable. Let's use the level of English that the participant is teaching this year.
That variable is called "teaching_language_level". It has three categories.

Step 5. On the right side, click "Rows." Select language level.

Tada! Your first table in Google Sheets.

In the video, I'll also show how to copy and put it into Word:
I click and drag to highlight everything. Right-click and copy.
Inside Word, I put the marker where I want the table. Paste. I carefully remove any colors, italics, or bold fonts.

Work a little with the design to make it look neutral and professional. This might take some time. You have to experiment and try different settings.

Finally, we'll have a nice table.

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All the best!

Text, video, and audio © Kent Löfgren, Sweden