In this video I will be giving you my top 5 Favorite WoW gold farms for August of 2023! These are the farms I am running myself right now.
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Welcome to my World of Warcraft gold making series: Should You Farm It? In this series I will be running various gold farms and reporting back with my findings and opinions so you can decide, should you farm it? Have you ever thought to yourself that you really wanted to start farming WoW gold but you did not know where to start? Are you constantly asking what is the best way to make WoW gold? This World of Warcraft gold making guide series is for you!
Number 1: Mana Tombs • I Ran Heroic Mana Tombs 100 Times Her...
Number 2: Spiderlisk Farm • This Spiderlisk Farm is 87k per hour!...
Number 3: Skettis Farm • Make 194k Per Hour With this Little K...
Number 4: Motherlode Raw Gold • Top 5 RAW GOLD Farms in World of Warc...
Number 5: Arcanoweave Crafted Transmog • Get Rich With This Tailoring Crafted ...
0:00 Intro and Daily Joke
0:45 Number 5
1:30 Number 4
2:13 Number 3
2:45 Number 2
3:12 Joke of the Day
3:20 Number 1
3:56 Recap
4:25 Dad Joke
What is World of Warcraft?
In World of Warcraft, you play a powerful hero who fights towering monsters, delves perilous dungeons, defends the world of Azeroth against
Who Will You Become?
Be the hero you want to be. Will you fight as a hulking Tauren Warrior? Or perhaps an inventive Gnome Warlock? The choice is yours—but first, you must pick a side.
Fellowship forged in epic adventure
Through your adventures, you’ll meet others who make Azeroth their home. WoW houses many communities who forge long-lasting bonds of friendship. Whether it’s with a trusted partner at your side, your crew at your back, or a rival in front of you, the spirit of the game brings people together. It’s more than a game… it’s a lifestyle. Join us!
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#worldofwarcraft #wowgoldfarm #iceberggaming