65W TS100 Programmable Soldering Iron Case Replacement

Опубликовано: 22 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: Денис Ярошенко

Zamena korpusa programmiruyemogo payal'nika TS100 65Vt

Legkiy i udobnyy v ispol'zovanii, programmiruyemyy payal'nik s vozmozhnost'yu pereproshivki. Imeyet bol'shuyu plastikovuyu ruchku s dvumya knopkami ("A" i "B") dlya upravleniya rezhimami, ZHK-displeyem i vintom zazemleniya. Oborudovan gnezdom dlya smennykh zhal. V komplekte s payal'nikom idet zhalo TS-BC2, vozmozhna ustanovka i drugikh: TS-D24, TS-K, TS-B2. Na tortse ruchki ustanovleny: raz"yem pitaniya DC5525 i micro-USB port. Payal'nik imeyet vstroyennyy akselerometr kotoryy avtomaticheski perevodit payal'nik v rezhim ozhidaniya ili raboty.
Dlya smeny rabochikh parametrov neobkhodimo podklyuchit' payal'nik k komp'yuteru, operatsionnaya sistema avtomaticheski ustanavlivayet drayver, i raspoznayet ustroystvo, kak obychnyy flesh-nakopitel' yemkost'yu 8 Kb. V pamyati soderzhitsya tekstovyy fayl pod nazvaniyem CONFIG.TXT, kotoryy mozhno tut zhe redaktirovat'.
Zavisimost' moshchnosti payal'nika i skorosti nagrevaniya zhala ot kharakteristik bloka pitaniya:
12 V 1.4 A (17 Vt) - 40 s
16 V 1.9 A (30 Vt) - 20 s
19 V 2.1 A (40 Vt) - 15 s
24 V 2.7A (65 Vt) - 11 s

Versiya proshivki: 2.11
Maksimal'naya moshchnost': 65 Vt
Pogreshnost' temperatury: ±2 °S
Diapazon rabochey temperatury: 100-400 °S
Pitaniye: DC 12-24 V, 1.4-3 A (blok pitaniya ne idet v komplekte)
Razmery ruchki payal'nika: 98 kh 16 kh 12 mm
Dlina payal'nika s zhalom: 168 mm
Tsvet ruchki: chernyy
Ves payal'nika (s ustanovlennym zhalom): 35 g
65W TS100 Programmable Soldering Iron Case Replacement

Lightweight and easy to use, programmable soldering iron with the ability to reflash. It has a large plastic handle with two buttons ("A" and "B") to control the modes, LCD display and ground screw. Equipped with a socket for interchangeable tips. Complete with a soldering iron comes the tip of TS-BC2, and others can be installed: TS-D24, TS-K, TS-B2. At the end of the handle are installed: DC5525 power connector and micro-USB port. The soldering iron has a built-in accelerometer which automatically puts the soldering iron into standby or working mode.
To change the operating parameters, you need to connect the soldering iron to the computer, the operating system automatically installs the driver, and recognizes the device as a regular flash drive with a capacity of 8 KB. The memory contains a text file called CONFIG.TXT, which can be edited right there.
The dependence of the power of the soldering iron and the heating speed of the tip on the characteristics of the power supply:
12 V 1.4 A (17 W) - 40 s
16 V 1.9 A (30 W) - 20 s
19 V 2.1 A (40 W) - 15 s
24 V 2.7A (65 W) - 11 s

Firmware Version: 2.11
Maximum power: 65 W
Temperature accuracy: ± 2 ° C
Operating temperature range: 100-400 ° C
Power: DC 12-24 V, 1.4-3 A (power supply not included)
Soldering Iron Handle Dimensions: 98 x 16 x 12 mm
Soldering Iron Length with Tip: 168 mm
Handle color: black
Soldering iron weight (with fixed tip): 35 g