CHALLENGE 2Patreon - A Song with color in the title

Опубликовано: 02 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: Simona NonSoloRAdio

Hello youtube friends, while I am heading to the mountains and listening to the radio I felt like communicating a new game that I made for the patreon channel "Simona non solo radio".   / simononsoloradio  
A challenge dedicated to music; every two days I will give a theme and whoever wants to participate will have to give me the title of a song that contains the required theme ... at the end of summer I would like to create a playlist to leave on the channel so that I can listen to it and say ... I also have contributed with my music selection.
So if you want to participate just subscribe to the patreon channel "Simona non solo radio" and leave your answers; the first question was which song you like best that contains a color in the title. HERE is how some of those who are taking part in the first challenge have answered the song in this play list:

trotski: terry jacks seasons in the sun
RafAyl: La Oreja de Van Gogh - "La Playa"
Stefano C: Cuando calienta el sol - Perez
DucaBianco& LucaF.: Giuni Russo- "un' estate al mare"
Stevie: Macarena
Roger Moore:'' All Summer Long '' by Kid Rock
Jonathan A.: Summertime by Fresh Prince aka Will Smith
Bizio: Girls in their summer clothes del Boss "Bruce Sringsteen"
Simon: Summer in the City, by The Lovin’ Spoonful
Eugenio: Lemon Tree - Fool's Garden
nando69: kalimba de luna di Tony Esposito
Bruce R.: Sunny Days by Lighthouse
Rob: Giselle Cozzo Joi
Blach: Boys Boys by Sabrina Salerno
Rick H.:( you gotta walk ) don’t look back. Peter Tosh
Gazman: Walking on Sunshine by Katrina and the Waves
Simona: The Beach Boys Surfin' USA