Overview of RMF, as defined by NIST 800-37r2. Each step in the process is discussed at a high level:
1. Categorize
2. Select
3. Implement
4. Assess
5. Authorize
6. Monitor
An example of the Security Categorization for an Information Type of PHI is provided:
Security Categorization (PHI) = (confidentiality, High), (integrity, High), (availability, Low)
NIST 800-37r2: https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Spe...
Alpine Security Certified Authorization Professional (CAP) course: https://www.alpinesecurity.com/traini...
The CAP course fulfills DoD 8570 IAM Level 1 and 2 requirements: https://www.alpinesecurity.com/traini...
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