Basic Python Tutorial - 19 ... Lambda Function in Python || Examples | Single Line Functions

Опубликовано: 14 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Data Science Lovers

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In this video, we have talked about Lambda Function in Python, with its many examples.
Lambda function is used to create our own single-line functions in a quick way. Lambda is itself a function to define other short functions. In addition to the pre-defined functions like print(), unique() etc, we can define our own functions with only a single line statement using the 'lambda function'.
The functions defined with lambda are short functions with temporary use only or used one time only. A lambda function can be defined with any number of arguments.

Syntax for Lambda Function :
F_name = lambda a,b : a+b
a,b = arguments of the function
a+b = operation performed on the arguments (and result is returned)

Examples of Lambda Function in this video :
1. Defining a function to add 2 numbers
2. Defining a function to multiply 3 numbers
3. Defining a function to print the given string
4. Defining a function to concatenate the two given strings
5. Defining a function that will the double the value that we pass

This is a very useful and informative video.

This video is a part of our course - Data Analysis with Python ( Basics )


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