Classic Hardcore Moments 137
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Featured Players in This Video:
1. / relax323
2. Unphasedx
3. / happygrenade27
4. / toxinairforce
5. Khandòr
6. Jehovaz
7. / verysaltysnail
8. Nym
9. / finhbezahl
10. Firedupdead, Kibble, Literocola
11. STVB
12. Pawnhc
13. Tobito
13. / @congrath
14. / tomer_tv
15. / pandmoniumpanda
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Music by EpidemicSound
Local Forecast - Elevator Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
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#WorldOfWarcraft #ClassicHC #ClassicHardcore