Dis Raps For Hire - Ep. 5 Diamond
Download this song here: http://hyperurl.co/9cqds2
Season 2 Full Album - http://hyperurl.co/c7v6h7
For additional information about Rett Syndrome and what you can do to make a difference please visit http://rettsyndrome.org
"Dear Epic Lloyd, My little sister has a syndrome called rett syndrome and it basically disables her ability to walk and talk and there is a 16 year old kid who is STILL in the 8th grade and decided to pick on her and call her names like "retard" and "vegtable" and many other names, oh and by the way she's 7 years old. Please Epic Lloyd make a rap that will make him feel ashamed of himself!
oh and BTW his nick name is Diamond"
Special thanks to my friends Chris Gorbos, Sean Monahan and Dante Cimadamore for portraying the corporate douches they will never be in real life.
Visit Dante's channel at / givememotion
Check out more from Sean and chris at / thewestsidecomedy
Created and performed by EpicLLOYD and I'm on all this shizz:
Facebook / epiclloyd
Tweet @theepiclloyd / theepiclloyd
Tumblr / epiclloyd
Instagram / theepiclloyd
Vine: EpicLLOYD
Voice of DiggyBros: Sean Monahan
Shot by Arthur Hong
Lighting by Arthur Hong
Edited by: Marc Chester and EpicLLOYD
Written by EpicLLOYD
Beat Produced by Allrounda
Song Produced by EpicLLOYD and Choco
Mixed by Choco Reynoso for Maker Music
Produced by Michelle Maloney for Maker Studios Los Angeles, CA
Production Coordinator - Atul Singh
p.s. - Yo! I read hundreds of your comments and requests every week and in doing so, I've noticed that some of you are talking about some real issues that require more action than an angry rap song from me. SO, if you or someone you know HONESTLY is in need of help of a more elevated nature please contact the below agencies.
Stomp Out Bullying! - 1-877-602-N0-BULLY (1-877-602-8559)
ChildHelp -- 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453) (24/7)
National Domestic Violence Hotline - 1-800-799-7233 (24/7)