AMD Improve Stuttering & Performance | Clear AMD Cache Guide | Improve Performance In Games 2024

Опубликовано: 05 Октябрь 2024
на канале: Techie Savi

In this Video, showing you How to clear your AMD Shader Cache to get the best performance, Fix FPS Drops, shuttering's & Fix Low FPS in All Games. Using these methods will significantly Boost Game FPS After clearing shader Cache. This guide is working for Any AMD Radeon GPU. By the end, you should have a Maximum, smooth & Highest Possible FPS with this AMD clear Shader cache settings. Let me know in the comments if it helps!

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TITLE► AMD Improve Stuttering & Performance | Clear AMD Cache Guide | Improve Performance In Games 2024

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►✔️AMD Shader Cache FPS PACK [Server 1]

►✔️AMD Shader Cache FPS PACK [Server 2]

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Intro - 0:00
AMD Shader application cache - 0:28
AMD Software Clear cache - 1:30
Prefetch - 1:56
AMD Shader Cache FPS PACK - 2:16
Clean Temp, shader cache - 2:35
Epic cleanup, temp1 & temp2 - 3:14
Device cleanup - 4:00
Clean cache custom Tool & More tweaks - 4:15
Gameplay & Benchmarks (Warzone, Fortnite, Valorant) - 6:10
Outro - 7:57
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#AMD #Performance #Optimization
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