Multimodal Microscopy to Unveil Performance Losses in Next-Generation Optoelectronic Devices - Prof. Dr. Sam Stranks | University of Cambridge
Multimodal microscopy measurements provide a powerful toolset to understand power losses in optoelectronic devices including solar cells and LEDs. Here, I will outline a series of correlative and operando multimodal microscopy methodologies to unveil nanoscale insights in state-of-the-art soft optoelectronic semiconductors. These techniques will be demonstrated on alloyed perovskite solar cells, unveiling fascinating information about the impact of defects on both performance and stability on the nanoscale. I will summarise the global understanding of carrier recombination and degradation mechanisms that these techniques enable, and outline strategies to further improve device performance and stability. The opportunities and challenges of the techniques for these and other materials families will be discussed.