[Guide] How to get Serpent's Head: Rock Pillar Warding Stone
part of [Inazuma World Quest] Orobashi's Legacy: Part II : • [Inazuma World Quest] Orobashi's Lega...
also [Inazuma World Quest] Orobashi's Legacy : • [Inazuma World Quest] Orobashi's Legacy
2 options:
a. Facing the ward, go left
b. From Yashiori Island Teleport Waypoint (south of Serpent's Head)
Follow the elemental trace into a hole.
00:27 Before jumping inside the hole, summon Electrograna.
00:29 Jump in and deactivate the barrier while activating the mechanism to lower the water.
00:39 Defeat 3 Ruin Destroyers, then 6 Hydro Slimes
02:58 Retrieve the Serpent's Head: Rock Pillar Warding Stone before the waterfall
Note: This is where you can find [Inazuma World Quest] The Gourmet Supremos - The Deep Divers : • [Inazuma World Quest] The Gourmet Sup...
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