Keitarou Gentouga, a weak boy who has a strong spiritual presence when it comes to S-Rank Demons. Due to a unfortunate encounter with a demon Keitarou only wants to have an ordinary life alongside his best friend Eiko Houzuki. But when Keitarou is assigned as a tutor for a strange student that can see the spirit world alongside the human world.
Ever since Yayoi parents vanished by a powerful spirit demon, Yayoi seeks revenge against the demon. After seeing that spirits are naturally drawn to our cowardly friend Keitarou she attempts to drag him into catching S-Ranking Demons. However Keitarou begins to realize that Yayoi isn't an ordinary student and has no idea what to expect next.
HIs Scumbag Father Hit Him, So He Reincarnated As A Demon For Revenge & Disposes Him | Horror Anime Recap
Anime: Dark Gathering
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