The absolute just try discord bot! That's right no longer do you need to pay for a 60$ program or need to own an exploited console! You can now decrypt/encryption/resign your Playstation 4 game saves from discord! Join the the discord to start using this bot now! This tutorial will go more in depth on how to use the bot and all of its working commands as of 12/25/23
Sorry I have been so busy I didn't realize I posted the wrong video a few days ago.
Discord -
/ discord
In case we run out of boost link:
/ discord
Source Code -
0:00 - intro
0:15 - Get roles to see channels
0:27 - Getting your Saves Ready
0:53 - Setting Up Google Drive
1:21 - Using the bot
1:47 - Swapping/Setting PSNID to bot
2:04 - How to Decrypt saves
3:26 - Where to change picture/savename
3:35 - How to Encrypt saves
4:12 - "There is to many saves to encrypt" Fix
5:12 - Putting Save back to flashdrive
5:21 - How to change save users/resign
5:44 - Game Specific Cheats/Commands [GTAV/RDR2/LBP3/etc]
Text tutorial:
Go to the ps4-save-bot channel.
Assign your PSN ID to the bot with /my_account_id command.
Make a google drive and create a folder called PS4.
Copy your PS4 save to a flashdrive or download a save online .
Drag and drop the CUSA##### folder into your Google Drive PS4 folder.
I suggest creating a CUSA#####Decrypted folder for later. This is to hold saves used with the /decrypted command (upload savedata0 folder here [you can only upload 1 decrypted save at a time {use /resign if you just want to resign}])
Right click the folder you are uploading Encrypted/Decrypted and select the share option and set general access to "Anyone with the link"
Now you are ready to start using some of the commands!
Important commands:
/decrypt - decrypts PS4 saves
/encrypt - encrypts saves missing PS4 encryption
/resign - changes the account owner on the save file to a provided PSN UUID or account bound to the bot.
advanced_mode__dead_redemption_2 - works with GTA V/RDR2
All Commands:
/advanced_mode_exportany_gameexport - attempts to decrypt save files to match the similar fashion of save wizard (not many games supported)
/advanced_mode_exportred_dead_redemption_2export - SaveWizard Decrypts RDR2/GTA V saves that are Encrypted
/advanced_mode_importany_gameimport - attempts to encrypt save files with SaveWizard encryption vs normal decryption (not many
games supported)
/advanced_mode_importred_dead_redemption_2import - SaveWizard Encryptions RDR2/GTAV saves that are Decrypted
/change_icon - changes icon0.png for saves
/cheatsblack_ops_cold_war_set_wonder_weapon - allows you to mod ColdWar Classes
/cheatslittlebigplanet_3install_mods - adds bigfart mod to a level backup
/cheatsred_dead_redemption_2change_money - changes your money in story mode
/cheatsshantae_curseset_gems - edit your gems in shantaes curse
/decrypt - decrypts PS4 saves
/delete_cheat_chain - removes all cheat commands from bot
/encrypt - encrypts saves missing PS4 encryption
/link2gdrive - uploads a zip from discord to a google drive folder
/my_account_id - gets a PSN UUID
/ping - pong
/re_region - attempts to re-region a gamesave
/re_region_xenoverse - region swaps DBZ Xenoverse saves
/resign - changes the account owner on the save file to a provided PSN UUID or account bound to the bot
/rich_presence_save_done_amnt - removes X amount of counts in the rich presence
/see_cheat_chain - see all cheats you are about to apply
/advanced_mode_export xenoverse_2 export - decrypts ps4 save + some save encryption
/advanced_mode_import xenoverse_2 import - encrypts decrypted xenoverse2 save
Download my other saves here:
Social Media:
Discord -
/ discord
In case we run out of boost link:
/ discord
YouTube - @ProtoBuffers
Instagram - ProtoBuffers
Twitter - @ProtoBuffers
Support Me -
My Work -
CashApp - $Xcier
#modding #discord #ps4mods #ps4modding #ps4cheater #savewizard #savewizardfree #decrypted #encrypted #howtouseps4savebot