WAR IN UKRAINE: POV Footage Shows Ukrainian Soldiers In Intense Trench Warfare With Russians
This POV footage shows explosions and gunfire as Ukrainian soldiers engage in intense combat in the trenches with the Russian ...
March Shoot: Winter Thaw Woods Walk Muzzleloaders
March woods walk. Join us. In 1785 Thomas Jefferson wrote to his fifteen-year-old nephew, Peter Carr, regarding what he ...
Arctic Sinkholes I Full Documentary I NOVA I PBS
In the Arctic, enormous releases of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, threaten the climate. Colossal explosions shake a remote ...
Niantic Sportsmen's Third Winter Black Powder Trail Walk - 16 March, 2014
A great day for a trail walk - cold and a bit windy, but at least the snow is gone!
The Russians surrender. Apparently, they called the hotline and agreed to surrender.
The Russians surrender. Apparently, they called the hotline and agreed to surrender. Now they will also receive a little money ...
It's Embarrassing to Die: The Immortalist Story
A group of loosely interconnected people who call themselves the Immortalists attempt to live forever by various means.
Niantic Sportsmen's Black Powder Trail Walk on March 17, 2013
In between blizzards, the Niantic Sportsmen's Club held a black powder trail walk for muzzle loader fans. There were 12 shooting ...
Town of Vermilion, Ohio averts almost yearly flood from mid-winter thaw. The town employs an excavator on a barge to keep ice ...
Rockin Rocklocks Whirling Dervish Flintlocks
Watch as the boys are rocking the rock locks in a friendly club competition called the Whirling Dervish - a chaotic target of various ...
Massachusetts woods walk in February 2023 . First time
On todays video I go on my first woods walk. It was a great time and I made some new friends. I can't wait to do some more 18th ...
Winter Muzzleloader & Flintlock Black Powder Shooting In Montana
Venture into the woods for the smell of burnt sulfur, coffee and a pot of navy beans and ham hocks. Best Saturday in a while.
Lightning McQueen Freaks Out Seeing Frozen Mater | Cars Toys Movies Season 1 Disney Pixar
Mater, the rusty tow truck, went to The Burger Stop for his burger but was told they were sold out. Misunderstood and chased away ...
Jason Isaacs in Inspector Morse - Cherubim & Seraphim (1992)
All of Jason Isaacs' scenes from the Inspector Morse episode: 'Cherubim & Seraphim'. - Warning: Flashing images. - Episode 05 ...
Fort Roberdeau Rifle Frolic 2018
On Columbus Day weekend I attended the sixth annual Fort Roberdeau Rifle Frolic, which is held about 10 miles north of Altoona, ...
CAU Lectures on Inflationary Reheating - Marcos Garcia (Part II: The particle picture of reheating)
Chung-Ang University Particle Physics Theory Group
Lecture title: Phenomenology of Inflationary Reheating - Part II: The particle picture of reheating Speaker: Dr. Marcos Garcia ...
Cold War Spy Secrets Under the Sea Military Documentary
The undersea world is an unseen battleground. Join Dr. Robert Ballard as he reveals how technology, commerce and conflict ...